Since 2007, MECI’s Comprehensive After-School Program offers psychosocial support for young children, in addition to tutoring in English, science and technology. Along with help in academic subjects, the children receive psychosocial support through creative art therapy classes. This program enables them to find outlets for trauma, learn to express themselves and think positively.

MECI’s life skills curriculum for young learners plays a key role in the After-School Program and includes lessons about self-awareness, interpersonal skills, and strategies for self-protection from harm, exploitation and abuse. In case of psychosocial or mental health issues, MECI’s program therapist offers small group counselling and provides referral for additional care when necessary.

Sports and physical education play an important role in building values such as teamwork and cooperation while providing outlets for stress and trauma. Exercise also promotes health and wellbeing and is especially necessary within struggling communities where access to healthcare is limited. MECI offers students basic medical services, including dental and vision care. Students undergo regular examinations and checkups and are referred to cross-sector organizations in case of a serious health issue.

The program also includes an environmental awareness module through which students are introduced to the need of preserving the environment, practicing it by recycling, litter collection and gardening.

While children are the main focus of MECI’s Comprehensive After-School Program, the program’s success relies on the contribution and enthusiasm of the community’s women. As part of the women’s empowerment platform, women of the Deir Ghassaneh Women’s Association prepare the nutritious snacks and healthy meals offered to the program’s participants.