Osama’s Story

Everyday, a new story of hope emerges from MECI, adding a reason to many others, that keep us going with our mission.⁣ Get to know Osama through his story.

Osama Faqih, enrolled in MECI program when he was in the third grade. He is now pursuing his medical studies thanks to MECI scholarship. Osama's story is similar to many of the children that participated in the MECI programs and got the chance to develop their potential, creativity, leadership and confidence.

We are proud of MECI children and the adults they have become. We truly believe that change starts from within and that we need strong agents of change to build communities and break generational cycles of trauma.

MECI was my only outlet as a child. It helped me build my character and self-confidence. MECI is part of my family, standing by me since I was a child and helping me now achieve my dream of becoming a doctor. I hope I can give back to my community and help the way MECI is doing so.

MECI 15th anniversary


Vevey Spring Family Concert